Color therapy charts - Therapeutic, Scientific, Relationships, Octaves of Colors, Songaia. There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run, the sword will always be conquered by the spirit. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Color Therapy Charts


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Color Therapy Chart


Scientific Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Wheel


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Scientific Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Musical Notes
  • Approximate Scientific Color Frequency
  • Astrological Signs.

The color frequency was determined using the scientific law of octaves. Light and sound are both frequencies, although different kinds of waves. If we could extend the notes of a piano up 49 octaves from middle C, the frequency of C in that octave would be the same as the frequency of green. F# would be the same as red. The other note frequencies would correspond to the frequencies of the other colors.

Just as the note of middle C is in harmony with the note of C one octave higher, the color green is in harmony with the note of C since, at the 49th octave above middle C, it is the same frequency. F# is in harmony with the color red for the same reason. The twelve notes of the octave are displayed in this chart with their corresponding colors.

It is fascinating to note that the colors in the Therapeutic Color Sound Wheel (see below) are just the opposite.


Color therapy charts - Therapeutic, Scientific, Relationships, Octaves of Colors, Songaia.


Therapeutic Color and Sound Therapy Wheel


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Therapeutic Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Musical Notes
  • Approximate Scientific Color Frequency
  • Astrological Signs.

The Therapeutic Color Chart is useful in helping bring balance to an area of the body. If, by the use of sound therapy, possibly by using our BioTuner, it is determined that a person is low or high in a particular note, they may use the corresponding therapeutic color to help bring back balance.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if an area which scores high indicates a deficiency or an excess. As an illustration, with hair analysis, a person may score high in calcium. That does not necessarily mean that they have an excess of calcium in their body. If a blood test indicates a lack of calcium, the calcium in the hair may indicate that the body is not able to absorb it and is excreting it into the hair, thus giving the high score.

It is fascinating to note that the colors in the Scientific Color Sound Wheel (see above) are just the opposite.


Relationship Chart

Color therapy charts - Therapeutic, Scientific, Relationships, Octaves of Colors, Songaia.


Color Therapy Charts
Small - 8 1/2" X 11"
Large - 10 1/2" X 13 1/2"
Color Therapy Charts
Color Therapy Charts



This informative color therapy chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Colors
  • Common Emotional Issues
  • Common Symptoms
  • Common Health Issues
  • Musical Notes
  • Musical Interval
  • Energy Centers
  • Meridian

Color therapy charts - Therapeutic, Scientific, Relationships, Octaves of Colors, Songaia.

Color Therapy Octaves Chart


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Color Therapy Octaves Chart shows the relationship between

  • Musical Octaves
  • Musical Notes Within the Octaves
  • Emotions
  • Organs

The color frequency was determined using the scientific law of octaves.


Color therapy charts - Therapeutic, Scientific, Relationships, Octaves of Colors, Songaia.


Songaia Color and Sound Therapy Wheel


8 1/2" X 14"

This chart illustrates the relationship between musical notes, colors and the astrological signs.

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