Autism in Children - Help with ColorSuccess is not the result of spontaneous combustion; you must set yourself on fire. - Reggie Leach
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Autism in Children - Help with Color


Neurologists who work with children living with autism have learned that they can sometimes be helped by using color. Red especially seems to help because it counteracts the over firing of the high and mid brain.

Colored Glasses for Autism
Autism in Children - Help with Color

If the child has an angry or emotional reaction to loud noises such as a dog barking, color may help. If there is just emotion and no anger, red seems to help most. However, if there is anger, orange or yellow seem to work better.

Color therapy glasses are sometimes used by child neurologists to help these children. Simply wearing a pair of red, orange or yellow glasses may quickly change an autistic child's mood and make them calm and peaceful. Colored glasses are inexpensive and easy to use. And children love wearing them. They can be found at

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