Worry looks around, sorry looks back, faith looks up. |
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Help for Dyslexia with Colors. Dyslexia Treatment.Some children and adults with dyslexia have found that using color can overcome their difficulty reading. Looking through the color blue or aqua (turquoise) often helps to make reading significantly easier. Sometimes orange works. But sometime a different color works better. You can experiment with different color backgrounds using this dyslexia color test.
In the past, color transparencies or overlays placed over the page of a book or in front of a computer screen were the only way for dyslexics to take advantage of color to help them. These proved difficult and awkward to use. Now color therapy glasses are available. They make it easier to get the same results. Lenses can be tinted in any color. Less ExpensiveThere is a less expensive alternative to having your lenses tinted. Non-prescription color glasses come in ten colors: red, orange, yellow, green, aqua (turquoise), blue, indigo, violet (purple), magenta (rose) and pink. They come in several styles including two which can be worn over prescription glasses. You can find them at ColorGlasses.com. One StoryA store owner who sells these color therapy glasses had a mother and her two daughters come in one day. Both daughters were dyslexic and had eyes which fluttered from side to side, making it difficult for them to read. They had come in for blue glasses, but those proved to be too dark. So they tried the aqua which were lighter. Amazingly, both daughters' eyes stopped fluttering and they could both read without difficulty. The mother cried.
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